Let's prepare our mojo!
As an athlete and therapist, I know that the key to improving and maintaining physical performance is proper recovery and preparation. - Chris Price, Hobart Performance Studio
The following information has been compiled by sports recovery & preparation therapist, Chris Price. Chris is also a Find Your Feet ambassador, avid trail runner and past elite stair runner. He is a father and active member of the Tasmanian trail running community. You can find out more about Chris Price via his Hobart Performance Studio.
When preparing yourself to complete one of our Wilder Trails there are 5 key areas that we suggest you focus on. Regardless of what trail running experience you have, or the level of intensity that you wish to complete the journey, these 5 areas will ensure that you are in the best physical and emotional position to perform with a smile on your dial.
Within the 5 areas of focus, the level of application can vary to suit your Route Level and if there are specific requirements that we feel are important for certain routes then we will identify these within the route description itself.
The 5 areas of focus are in no particular order and are of equal value. They all influence each other. Click to find out more about each of these important areas of your Wilder Trails preparation:
Within the 5 areas of focus, the level of application can vary to suit your Route Level and if there are specific requirements that we feel are important for certain routes then we will identify these within the route description itself.
The 5 areas of focus are in no particular order and are of equal value. They all influence each other. Click to find out more about each of these important areas of your Wilder Trails preparation:
Plan to get a little uncomfortable...
"You have to dig down first, to build a strong foundation before you build up." - Hanny Allston discussing her French Pyrenees Traverse
Hanny Allston also has a number of free training planners available which have been designed to help us to grow wilder and to find a different path to get to where we wish to go. They are ideal for preparing for our Wilder Trails preparations. Her Wave Training method has prepared her for some extraordinary journeys such as running the entire length of the French Pyrenees mountains and traverses of wild Tasmanian landscapes. She truly understands that being wilder is a process not a destination, and to get the most from her training planners will require us to: know ourselves; discover what we truly love; dream infinitely; chase our passions unapologetically; and undertake deliberate practice... consistently.
Are you ready to grow wilder & get ready for the trails?
Are you ready to grow wilder & get ready for the trails?
Books to help you Grow Wilder...
Podcast episodes for Preparation
Prepare to tread gently...
We ask you to familiarise yourself with the following trail etiquettes.
Trail Runner's EtiquetteThe Trail Runners' Code is prepared by the Tasmanian Trail Running Association
Every runner on the trails in lutruwita/Tasmania is a representative of our trail running community. We encourage runners to always have positive interactions with everyone they meet. Our trail running code has been adapted from the Leave No Trace Principles, with specific reference to trail running in Tasmania.
Leave No Trace PrinciplesParks Tasmania ask us to Leave No Trace:
Don't forget your Parks Pass...We are visitors to these landscapes and whilst we are all required to love, learn about, and protect the places in which we love to play, the official caretakers are the Tasmanian Parks & Wildlife Service who rely on our support too. Please ensure that before you head for the trails you purchase your Parks Pass. We recommend a yearly pass. If you are visiting one of the major Parks, please also familiarise yourself with the latest booking systems that are currently in place.
Check for AlertsPrior to heading for wilder trails, please also familiarise yourself with the latest Alerts from Parks Tasmania.
We also recommend you check for Tasmanian Fire Service Updates.